A Strategy for Tomorrow

The Tulane Strategy for Tomorrow is a university-wide strategic planning process to guide our equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and anti-racism initiatives and track our progress from July 1, 2022 through July 1, 2027. While as a community Tulane University has made significant, tangible progress over the past few years, what matters now is how we will build on this progress for the future. Alongside existing university initiatives included in “A Plan for Now” and those led by the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and by our campus units, the Strategy for Tomorrow will set us on a new course, one that engages our full community in a vision for Tulane related to EDI that will help us coordinate our EDI and anti-racism work and progress in measurable, data-informed ways to build a Tulane community.

Four grads celebrate together at Commencement


University and Campus Unit Timelines for Development of the Strategy for Tomorrow:


April 2021 – May 2021
is conducted (an environmental scan of Tulane's current EDI and anti-racism initiatives across campus units)


April 2021 – June 2021
Strategy for Tomorrow focus groups are held with students, staff, faculty, administrators, alumni and other community members


June 2021 – October 2021
University Strategy for Tomorrow Committee members develop university plan. Campus leaders select the committee chairs/members to lead the planning process in their campus units and receive a list of questions to prepare for the unit-based Strategy for Tomorrow planning process within their units (e.g., reviewing and gathering existing data, activities, reports). Strategy for Tomorrow chairs and members receive orientation on the timeline and overall planning process


October 18, 2021 6:00 – 8:00 pm; October 20, 2021  9:00 am – 11:00 am; October 24, 2021 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Virtual Community Feedback sessions are held and a Qualtrics link is circulated to receive feedback on the university Strategy for Tomorrow draft.


December 15, 2021
Strategy for Tomorrow university-wide complete and template is shared with all campus units


February 1, 2022
Updates due from campus units about where they are in their planning process. Units may submit a first draft if it is complete for feedback from the EDI Office.


March 15, 2022
Campus units submit the first draft of their Strategy for Tomorrow plans


April 15, 2022
Feedback/revisions on unit-based back Strategy for Tomorrow plans shared from the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Office of the President, Office of the Provost, Office of the Chief Operating Officer, and the Office of General Counsel.


May 16, 2022
Final Strategy for Tomorrow unit plans due


July 1, 2022 – July 1, 2027
Strategy for Tomorrow university-wide and unit plans begin. Campus units report mid-year and annually on the EDI and anti-racism progress for their units to the EDI Office and their immediate supervisors:


  • Y1: July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023
  • Y2: July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024
  • Y3: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025
  • Y4: July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026
  • Y5: July 1, 2026-June 30, 2027


Strategy for Tomorrow University-Wide Planning Committee

The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (Anneliese Singh, Shelby Norman, and Eva Silvestre) with the support of the President, Provost, and Chief Operating Officer convened a university-wide planning committee to review the (an environmental scan of Tulane's EDI and anti-racism initiatives) and the Strategy for Tomorrow focus group findings.

  1. Amjad Ayoubi (Newcomb-Tulane College)
  2. Carolyn Barber-Pierre (Student Affairs and Intercultural Life)
  3. Ron Blanton (Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine)
  4. Paula Booke (Center for Academic Equity)
  5. Joseph Bull (School of Science and Engineering)
  6. Edson Cabalfin (School of Architecture)
  7. Julio Diaz (Human Resources)
  8. Ted Fee (School of Business)
  9. Will Ferbos (Office of the President)
  10. Jamieka Charvi Greer (Deputy Athletics Director, Academic Services/SWA)
  11. Lezlie Griffin (School of Law)
  12. Germaine Gross (School of Liberal Arts)
  13. Deidre Hayes (School of Social Work)
  14. Bennetta Horne (School of Medicine)
  15. Valencia Jones (Division of Enrollment Management)
  16. Emily Kutler (University Student Government)
  17. Ilianna Kwaske (School of Professional Advancement)
  18. Hongbing Liu (School of Medicine)
  19. Alysia Loshbaugh (Information Technology)
  20. Camila Pititto Laforga (International Student Association)
  21. Pat Randolph (Director of the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility)
  22. Rebecca Snedeker (New Orleans Center for the Gulf South)
  23. Kamiya Stewart (Graduate and Professional Student Association)
  24. Judy Vitrano (Office of the Chief Operating Officer)
  25. Kady Weingart (Office of the Provost)
The Strategy for Tomorrow unit-based chairs and committee members are listed below:

The Strategy for Tomorrow unit-based chairs and committee members are listed below:

Committee Lead: Sheri Tice



  • Roz Butler
  • Saeede Eftekhari
  • Sanda Groome
  • Zoe Lu
  • Anyi Ma
  • Lenore Mason
  • Sharon Moore
  • Erica Neely
  • Zack Rubin
  • William Stegbauer
  • Sheri Tice
  • Erick Valentine
  • Myke Yest


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Eva Silvestre


Committee Leads: Linda Peal and Hailey Lange Macdonald



  • Kirby Messinger
  • Luann Dozier
  • Nicole Bush
  • Lori Hurvitz
  • Alicia Hawkes
  • Sara Moise
  • Quinn Armstrong
  • Morgan England
  • Treb Winegar
  • Kristen Marx
  • Lucy Steven
  • Aysha Jones
  • Nicole Arceneaux
  • Jalin Carter
  • Charles Keyes


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Anneliese Singh


Committee Lead: Nicole Bush



  • Jered Bocage
  • Max Yanker
  • Amanda Duhon
  • Sarah Basinger
  • Geneva Longlois-Marney
  • Caitlin Gottstine
  • Sara Moise
  • Denise Breaux
  • Christiana Lederman


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Shelby Norman


Committee Leads: Jessica Shedd and Nigel Noll



  • Jeanie Crispin
  • Bernice Houle
  • Alexandra Heuer
  • Shawn Potter
  • Robert Tsien


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Eva Silvestre


Committee Lead: Charvi Greer



  • Jana Woodson
  • Adrian Myers
  • Tori Ector
  • Jada Buckner
  • Erinn Banks
  • Scott Mitchell
  • Liz Ziegler
  • Lorne Robertson
  • Eyal Zimet
  • Leah Stancil
  • Mark Booras
  • Gigi Williamson
  • Sierra Cheatham


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Shelby Norman
  • Danette Saylor


See Chief Operating Officer (COO) Plan


  • The Murphy Institute: John Howard
  • The Cowen Institute: Amanda Hill
  • The Stone Center for Latin American Studies: Edie Wolfe
  • The Taylor Center for Social Innovation and Design Thinking: Rebecca Otten
  • Newcomb Art Museum: Maurita Poole


Committee Lead: Toni Weiss



  • Liv Newman
  • Donata Henry
  • Eunice Ofori
  • Antoinette Mills
  • Eric Roque
  • Ariel McFarland


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Shelby Norman


Committee Lead: Agnieszke Nance



  • Diana Soto-Olson
  • Maurice Smith
  • Michael Pizzolatto


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Shelby Norman


Finance COO Office/Budget/Controller/Treasury/Investments/Contract & Procurement


Committee Lead: Gina Bertrand



  • Lanissa Grogan-Stewart
  • Bobby Magee
  • Heather Hargrave
  • Lelia Peyronnin
  • Julia Mord
  • Michael Dirnbauer
  • Tamara Simmons
Human Relations - OIE/HR/TULI/ Government Relations


Committee Lead: Jonathan Small



  • Douglas Nicholas
  • Karen D'Arcy
  • Chloe Simoneaux
  • Tiffany Smith
  • Rob Hailey
  • Kim Fleming
  • Sharon Courtney
  • Lauren Jardell
Risk & Safety - ERM, Audit, TUPD


Committee Lead: Angela Sutton



  • Diane Surla
  • Karen Douglas
  • Donald Veals
  • Chief Kirk Bouyelas
  • Captain Alberto Alonso
  • Sergeant David Harris
  • Officer Shannon Guidry
  • Blair David
  • Thompson Murray
IT/Project Management


Committee Leads: Sheldon Jones and Melissa Lang



  • Alysia Loshbaugh
  • Mary Barron
  • Dustin Gaspard
  • Angel Williams
  • Jai Shankar
  • Christi Longlois
  • John Patrick
Campus Operations


Committee Leads: Brian Johnson and Kelly Venable Carroll



  • Dede Lawrence
  • Gary Dauphin
  • Miisha (Meme) Delavallade
  • John Lange
  • Jadii Joseph
  • Reagan LeCesne
  • Pam Palmer
  • Dena Chandler
  • Laura Persich
Facilities & Campus Development


Committee Lead: Amanda Rivera



  • Randy Philipson
  • Dani Galloway
  • Lee Lowery
  • Mike Duceung
  • Stephen Rovira
  • Kizzy Carmouche
  • Kevin Morgan
  • Bob Turner
  • Felicia Bosley
  • Ivis Garcia


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Eva Silvestre
  • Shelby Norman
  • Danette Saylor


Committee Lead: Aryanna Gamble


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Shelby Norman
  • Danette Saylor
  • Anneliese Singh


Committee Lead: Valencia Jones



  • Neill Aguiluz
  • Roland Keller
  • Colette Raphel


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Eva Silvestre
  • Danette Saylor
  • Anneliese Singh
  • Shelby Norman


Committee Lead: Eva Silvestre



  • Anneliese Singh
  • Danette Saylor
  • Shelby Norman


Committee Leads: Howard Boyd and Kristen Schorp


Committee Leads: Mike Cunningham and Jennifer O’Brien Brown



  • Briana Mohan


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Danette Saylor


See Chief Operating Officer (COO) Plan


Committee Lead: Shakoor Ward



  • Rebecca Fraijo
  • Lisa Hooper
  • Courtney Kearney
  • Erin Kinchen-Addicks
  • Aundria Parkham
  • Cate Peebles
  • Keith Pickett
  • Joshua Windham


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Shelby Norman


Committee Lead: Julie Henriquez Aldana



  • Clare Daniel
  • Julie Qiu
  • Chloe Raub
  • Lauren Wethers
  • Laura Wolford


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Eva Silvestre


Committee Lead: Lee Skinner



  • Celeste Lay
  • Kelly Grant
  • Edward Cruz
  • Beth Wilson


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Eva Silvestre


Committee Lead: Caroline Friou



  • Kerry Stockwell
  • Will Ferbos


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Eva Silvestre
  • Shelby Norman
  • Danette Saylor


Committee Lead: Shannon Aicklen



  • Celeste Coleman
  • Jeffery Crosby
  • Monica Embers, PhD
  • Tracy Fisher, PhD
  • Theresa Glissman
  • Nadia Golden
  • Jennifer Manuzak, PhD
  • Giselle McKinney
  • Tammy Naramore
  • Geetha Parthasarathy, PhD
  • Leslie Tate
  • Megan Watkins


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Danette Saylor, PhD


Committee Leads: Kady Weingart and Anneliese Singh



  • M.A. “Tonette” Krousel-Wood
  • Robin Forman
  • Jessica Shedd
  • Michael Cunningham
  • Ana LĂłpez
  • Laila Hlass
  • Gabriel Feldman


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Eva Silvestre
  • Shelby Norman
  • Danette Saylor


Committee Leads: Roxanne Johnson and Anne-Marie Job



  • Rose Douglas
  • Sheila Garrison
    proxy: Hanna Rasanen
  • Kara Mcqueen-Borden
  • Patrick Mills
  • Brian Weimer
    proxy: Chris Dressler
  • Jessica Witcher


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Eva Silvestre
  • Danette Saylor


See Chief Operating Officer (COO) Plan


Committee Lead: Edson Cabalfin



  • Kenneth Schwartz
  • Margarita Jover
  • Benjamin Smith
  • Marianne Desmarais
  • Laura Blokker
  • Emily Parsons
  • Naomi Englar


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Eva Silvestre


Committee Lead: Catherine Hancock



  • Adam Feibelman
  • Tonya Jupiter
  • Saru Matambanadzo
  • Katie Schwartzmann
  • Mary Yanik
  • Abby Gaunt
  • Lezlie Griffin
  • David Weinberg
  • Treb Winegar


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Danette Saylor


Committee Leads: Andrea Boyles



  • Germaine Gross
  • Rebecca Snedecker


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Eva Silvestre
  • Danette Saylor


Committee Leads: Bennetta Horne and Jorge Valentin Diaz


  • Vironka Davis
  • Cecilia Gambala
  • Robert Hoover
  • Prasad Katakam
  • Myo Myint
  • David Mushatt
  • Nakeisha Pierre
  • Minolfa Prieto
  • Rachel Turner
  • Laurianne Wild


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Shelby Norman
  • Danette Saylor


Committee Lead: Suri Duitch



  • Rebecca Carr
  • Stoney Gaddy
  • Tamar Gregorian
  • Alicia Jasmin
  • Philip Lopez  
  • Delila Omerbašić
  • Christa Payne
  • Alexis Stone


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Eva Silvestre
  • Shelby Norman


Committee Lead: Susan Cheng



  • Aubrey Madkour
  • Alicia Battle
  • Venessa Williams
  • Christine Arcari
  • Angela Breckenridge
  • Ronald Blanton


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Danette Saylor


Committee Lead: Marie Dillon Dahleh



  • Michael Moore
  • Shusheng Wang
  • Vijay John
  • Ram Mettu
  • Michelle Lacey
  • Laurie O'Brien
  • Ehab A Meselhe
  • Kyle Straub
  • Caz Taylor
  • Jiang Wei
  • Kastie Black
  • Russ Schmehl
  • Tonya Durdin
  • Jarmell McGill


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Danette Saylor


Committee Leads: Reggie Parquet, Deidre Hayes and Cecilia Suarez



  • Susan Davies
  • Missy Malone
  • Kathy OquelĂ­ McGraw
  • Catherine McKinley
  • Amanda Rosales
  • Lane Luneau
  • Jessica Alder


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Danette Saylor


Committee Leads: Carolyn Barber Pierre and Laura Osteen


EDI Office Liaisons:

  • Anneliese Singh
  • Eva Silvestre
  • Danette Saylor
  • Shelby Norman


Committee Leads: Julia Broussard, Marcus Foster and Austen Williams


EDI Office Liaison:

  • Shelby Norman



Strategy for Tomorrow – Focus Group Findings

The following 11 themes were identified in the Strategy for Tomorrow focus groups conducted by an external consulting group with over 300 Tulane community members participating in over 70 focus groups:

  1. Community Engagement-Relations with NOLA
  2. Accurate and Updated Data and Greater Transparency on Campus Demographics
  3. Diverse Leadership Representation
  4. Consistent and Sustainable EDI Strategy
  5. Food Providers and Other Contractors
  6. Campus Communication Plan
  7. Cultural Competency
  8. Understand Systemic/Structural Racism and Its Impact on the Community
  9. Understanding Tulane’s History
  10. Equity and Inclusion….Processes and Procedures
  11. Supplier Diversity

Values Guiding Our EDI and Anti-Racism Work

The University Strategy for Tomorrow Committee members identified 10 values helpful to consider in guiding the development of the university and unit-based plans and our EDI and anti-racism initiatives and evaluations of our progress. The President’s Office is convening a Values Project that will identify values for the entire university.


  • Justice
  • Innovation
  • Empathy
  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Community
  • Continuous Learning
  • Respect
  • Intentionality
  • Courage

Contact Us

If you have questions about the Strategy for Tomorrow, please contact us: