Register for an EDI Strategy for Tomorrow Focus Group

May 7, 2021

Dear Tulanians,

Last fall, President Fitts the Strategy for Tomorrow and A Plan for Now, to create a long-range and sustained effort of advancing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at Tulane. In a year like no other, we have continued our work and our momentum toward building this better Tulane. To ensure your voice is heard in shaping our university-wide EDI program, we to invite your participation in a series of focus/listening groups. These groups will serve as the launching point for a 6-month data gathering and planning process that will chart the course of our EDI work from 2022-2027.

The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion will lead this effort, in collaboration with the Strategy for Tomorrow Steering Committee, to ensure we are working with stakeholders across the schools and shared service units. Members of the committee include:

  1. Carolyn Barber-Pierre (Student Affairs and Intercultural Life)
  2. Ron Blanton (School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine)
  3. Brad Booke (Admission and Retention Initiatives)
  4. Paula Booke (Center for Academic Equity)
  5. Joseph Bull (School of Science and Engineering)
  6. Edson Cabalfin (School of Architecture)
  7. Julio Diaz (Human Resources)
  8. Ted Fee (School of Business)
  9. Jamieka Charvi Greer (Deputy Athletics Director, Academic Services/SWA)
  10. Lezlie Griffin (School of Law)
  11. Germaine Gross (School of Liberal Arts)
  12. Deidre Hayes (School of Social Work)
  13. Bennetta Horne (School of Medicine)
  14. Emily Kutler (University Student Government)
  15. Ilianna Kwaske (School of Professional Advancement)
  16. Celeste Lay (Newcomb-Tulane College)
  17. Hongbing Liu (School of Medicine)
  18. Alysia Loshbaugh (Information Technology)
  19. Camila Pititto Laforga (International Student Association)
  20. Pat Randolph (Director of the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility)
  21. Rebecca Snedeker (New Orleans Center for the Gulf South)
  22. Kamiya Stewart (Graduate and Professional Student Association)
  23. Judy Vitrano (Office of the Chief Operating Officer)

We need your participation – your insights, observations and collective wisdom – to move us closer toward a community where every student, staff, and faculty member is safe, welcomed, valued and can learn and grow in all of the ways they desire and make all of the contributions they find most meaningful. We look forward to listening to and learning from you throughout this process as we shape our vision for the work ahead.

Robin Forman, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Anneliese A. Singh, Associate Provost for Diversity and Faculty Development/Chief Diversity Officer